List of Speakers > Kherraz Nesrine

Bio-inspired phononic crystals and elastic metamaterials
Marco Miniaci  1@  , Andrea Bergamini  2  , Nesrine Kherraz  3  , Federico Bosia  4  , Antonio Gliozzi  5  , Nicola Pugno  6  
1 : Institut d'électronique de microélectronique et de nanotechnologie
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique : UMR8520, IEMN UMR 8520, CNRS, Univ. Lille, Centrale Lille, UVHC, ISEN
2 : Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology [Dübendorf]
3 : ISEN
Institut supérieur de l'électronique et du nunérique (ISEN)
41 Boulevard Vauban, 5900 Lille -  France
4 : Politecnico di Torino [Torino]
5 : Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, 10129 Torino, Italy
6 : University of Trento [Trento]

Phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials can be considered as composites with
ad-hoc designed architectures made of periodic, quasi-periodic or even randomly disposed building blocks (unit cells) exhibiting extraordinary dynamic properties, such as frequency-dependent directionality and band gap (BG) behavior. Since their introduction a few decades ago, researchers have tried to explore more and more configurations exhibiting low and broadband frequency effects without recurring to unpractical increases of the unit cell size or stiffness decreases [1].
On the other hand, Nature has always represented a formidable source of inspiration to solve mankind's scientific challenges and engineering tasks. For instance, it has been shown that a hierarchical organization over multiple length scales allows enhanced quasi-static mechanical properties, while the relative orientation of adjacent chiral centers strongly affects the physical properties of a polymer, to cite a few examples [2]. In this talk, we discuss how bio-inspiration may be used to enhance the potential of phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials [3, 4].
Specifically, a comparison of the dynamic behavior of conventional and bio-inspired phononic crystals / metamaterials is presented through the evaluation of the corresponding dispersion diagrams and / or transmission properties.

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