The Workshop "Advances in ELAstoDYNamic, NonLinear mechanics and Stability of architected materials and structures" is organised by the International Research Project (IRP) Coss&Vita of the CNRS.
The event is organised in a hybrid form with face to face lectures delivered by researchers who will stay in Créteil for the two days and with live presentations delivered by means of the software Zoom foronline participants. Technical details about the conference format will be provided.
The current governmental rules impose the presentation of a health pass (EU digital covid certificate) for the on-site participation to our workshop. Consequently, you will be asked to present a valid health pass when you arrive (and only when you arrive) on site.
This page will be updated as soon as possible according to the evolutions of the sanitary regulations which will be transmitted to us.
Scope of the workshop
The scope of the workshop is to present the recent activities of the reserach groups of the IRP Coss&Vita, but also to exchange with other members of the scientific communities on the subjects. Particular attention will be given to scientific discussions.
Main topics
- Waves and generalized continua
- Formulation of homogenous models of micro-structured materials and periodic structures;
- Metamaterials
- Mechanical modelling of complex materials and structures
- Instabilities and localization
- Gradient damage and fracture
- Discrete defects in solids
- Analytical and numerical methods in materials and structures design;
- Static, dynamic and stability behavior of homogenous models of lattice members;
- Transverse topics (nonlinear phenomena in elastodynamics)
Participation is free, but registration is required. Registration for online participation is still open.
The workshop is organised by the research groups ELADYN and NLS of the IRP Coss&Vita.
Organiser for the ELADYN group: Giuseppe Rosi (MSME, Paris-Est Créteil)
Organiser for the NLS group Francesco D’Annibale (University of L'Aquila)
Brief description of the research groups